Atenor has secured planning consent for its first project in the UK: the deep retrofit of Fleet House near Blackfriars Station in the City of London to create a best-in-class sustainable workspace.
Designed by global architecture practice HOK, the project will see more than two thirds of the existing structure retained, thereby ensuring the retention of the existing embodied carbon and reducing the project’s environment impact. The new sustainable office building, which is being designed to achieve a minimum of BREEAM Excellent (with BREEAM Outstanding subject to fit-out), will provide around 77,500 sq ft (7,200 sq m) of high-quality office space over eight storeys.
The City of London’s planning sub-committee unanimously resolved to grant the scheme planning permission yesterday (31 January 2023), following the planning officer’s recommendation for approval.
Atenor, which is listed on the Euronext Brussels market, has projects in ten European countries, comprising office, residential and mixed-use. Atenor is recognised as an industry leader for ESG and recently achieved a 5/5 Star GRESB rating, the global benchmark for ESG-compliant real estate. Fleet House is fully aligned with this approach, with the rejuvenated building being designed to prioritise the wellbeing of the building’s users as well as the wider community with adherence to best-in-class WELL principles and biophilic design.
Features for those working at the building will include short and long stay cycling parking, high-quality end-of-trip facilities and four unique external terraces – most with spectacular views of St Paul’s Cathedral. A range of new public amenities will also be created including a new pedestrian priority route connecting Bride Lane and Bridewell Place, an art wall, a new 1,300 sq ft (120 sq m) juice bar/café, double-height office lobby with green wall and plentiful natural light and a 4,000 sq ft (370 sq m) re-provided public house at ground-floor and part-basement level.
Eoin Conroy, Country Director UK for Atenor, said:
“This is a major milestone for Atenor in the UK and highlights our ambition and focus to create beautiful places founded on sustainability and wellbeing. Our approved plans for Fleet House supersede a previously consented scheme that would have seen the existing building completely demolished and a new one built from scratch. Instead, 72% of the building’s existing structure will now be retained, emphasizing our belief that the adoption of sustainable practices at the design and construction phases is both the right thing to do and will make this building more appealing to future occupiers. We look forward to bringing forward further London opportunities in the near future.”
David Weatherhead, HOK design principal, said:
“HOK is delighted that Fleet House has been granted planning approval. The design provides a vast array of public benefits, including a new pedestrian passageway linking Bridewell Place and Bride Lane, along with active and inclusive ground floor uses, including a Public House. We have designed a modern, vibrant and sustainable place of work, embedding WELL principles and incorporating nature at every floor. We look forward to this exciting project being realised.”
À propos de ATENOR :
ATENOR est une société de développement immobilier urbain d’expertise européenne cotée sur le marché d’Euronext Brussels. Sa mission vise à apporter, par son approche durable, urbanistique et architecturale, des réponses adéquates aux nouvelles exigences qu’impose l’évolution de la vie urbaine et professionnelle. Dans ce cadre, ATENOR investit dans des projets immobiliers d’envergure répondant à des critères stricts en termes de localisation, d’efficience économique et de respect de l’environnement.
ATENOR is een vennootschap voor stadsontwikkeling met Europese expertise en staat genoteerd op Euronext Brussels. Haar missie is erop gericht om via haar duurzame, stedenbouwkundige en architecturale aanpak gepaste antwoorden te bieden op de nieuwe eisen die de evolutie van het stads- en beroepsleven stelt. In dit kader investeert ATENOR in vastgoedprojecten van formaat die beantwoorden aan strenge criteria inzake ligging, economische efficiëntie en respect voor het milieu.
About ATENOR :
ATENOR is an urban real estate development company with European expertise, listed on the Euronext Brussels market. Its mission is to respond to new requirements for the evolution of urban and professional life through sustainable urban planning and architecture. ATENOR achieves its mission by investing in large-scale real estate projects that meet strict criteria in terms of location, economic efficiency and respect for the environment.