Shareholding structure on 30 April 2024

In accordance with its corporate governance charter, Atenor provides information about its shareholding structure with full transparency.

total number of shares 43,739,703

Shareholding structure on 30 April 2024

Shareholders Number of shares Holdings % of which shares forming part of the joined shareholding Holdings %
ALVA SA & consorts 764,611 1.7 0 0
LUXEMPART SA (1) 6,819,439 15.6 4,373,970 10.00
3D NV (1) 13,157,350 30.1 13,157,350 30.08
FORATENOR  SA (1) 4,767,744 10.9 2,383,872 5.45
Stéphan Sonneville SA (1) (2) & consorts 1,621,624 3.7 1,109,624 2.54
Midelco NV 2,000,000 4.6 0 0.00
Lintrust NV 300,000 0.7 0 0.00
Vandewiele Group NV 2,000,000 4.6 0 0.00
Subtotal 31,430,768 71.9 21,024,816 48.07
Own shares 18,556 0.0
Treasury shares 316,427 0.7
Public 11,976,952 27.4
Total 43,739,703 100.00

(1) Signatories of the Shareholders’Agreement

(2) Managing Director, company controlled by Mr Stéphan Sonneville

In compliance with article 74 of the law of 1 April 2007, these shareholders have communicated to the company that they held as a joined holding, at the date of entry into effect of the aforementioned law, more than 30% of the securities with voting rights.